Shanghai Lumpia
Lumpia or Popiah as what we call it in Malaysia, it's a finger food and a type of savory delicacies. Also know as Spring Roll, thin rice paper rolled with feelings inside and fried till crisp. Not only savory filings but there are some spring roll version with sweet feelings, it's nice too but I like to have my Lumpia with Thai chili sauce, exquisitely delicious...! I got this recipe from one Filipino family, I learned few Philippines dishes from them too... well, their food is not much different from us here in Malaysia but there are few ingredients which are mainly used with a generous amount in their dishes... For example, a lot of vinegar and tomatoes, tamarind for they sour soup and cheese in some of the dishes... So normal Popiah here in Malaysia with vegetables filings, some added with little shrimps and deep fried. But I don't much crave for it unless if it is fresh popiah, MMMM...I love it... the method of preparing it is almost the same, but with out deep frying it and the ingredients are more to prepare. This Shanghai Lumpia is meaty inside, beef or chicken.. Some vege and WOW...! Don't forget Thai chili sauce...!