Filipino Salt Bread
Pan De Sal came from Spanish origin, it's rounded lean bread made of basic ingredients flour, fat, water, eggs, yeast, salt and sugar ...A very popular bakery product in Philippines, so simple but so tasty ...My last visit in Manila, every morning I shall go to market to buy some groceries for our lunch and dinner. It was such a great experience when you need to ride few transportation to get to your destination where actually just about 5 km away ...from home we walked, during that particular month the weather was quite beautiful ...almost the end of December, it was only about 22C and cloudy ....hardly sweat cause it pretty cool to walk in this perfect weather, so walking for 10-15 mins wasn't that bad for a quick work out every morning. Then we ride on motor bike, the funny thing was ...there were 3 of us ... me, Allan and the rider himself ...COOL hah ??? But that is the norm in Manila, after the ride we hop-in jeepney ...Took about 7 mins to reach the market. It was such a great memories riding in the colourful jeepneys full with passengers along the busiest road in Manila, more fun when you have to jump from one ride to another. While in the market, you can see such beautiful fresh colourful vegetables and fruits ...Green spinach, fragrant melon and fresh milk fish ...wasn't that a perfect menu for the lunch?? Indeed ...At the end of other corner, I saw people in a long queue right in front of a small bakery shop ...It was a small shop with 1 double tier gas oven and 2 working tables, the only things for sale were pandesal but believe me they have more customers than Roti Boy in KLCC ...I tried the bread myself, curious with how does it taste ...Is it that tasty as it's look ...And guess what??? It was so good, and sure you want to go for more. Every morning, as I passed by and like the norm ...people queue in front of the small bakery shop just to buy their breakfast, everyday with regular customers... This lean dough rolled into long log called baston and cut into small pieces, rolled into bread crumbs before going into oven. The bread crumbs gives a unique taste especially when serve warm with scramble eggs and cheese, don't forget black coffee with milk ...a perfect day start with a perfect breakfast .... I tried myself here at home, wasn't that bad but still can't get the right texture ...maybe will be almost perfect after several attempts, practice make perfect I believe ...There's always next time and I shall make it better ...BAKE WITH LOVE